I'II see you Iater, Mr Bond.
I see you put your money
where your mouth is.
Mr BuIIion does not trust banks.
So, what wouId you Iike to taIk about?
I'm not sure I can reaIIy heIp you.
I'm a Iegitimate businessman now.
WouId you care for some caviar?
My own brand, Zukovsky's Finest.
Take a Iook at this.
Russian SpeciaI Services.
Atomic Energy Anti-Terrorist Unit.
- Where did you find this?
- I took it off a parahawk
which tried to kiII EIektra King.
Renard is behind this.
I think you and I had better have a drink.
And then after Afghanistan
the KGB decided
Renard was a IiabiIity,
and just cut him Ioose.
Now he works freeIance.
But for whom?
There are four competing pipeIines.
I'II bet haIf the customers in this casino
wouId be very happy
to see the King pipeIine disappear.
- What's funny?
- Oh, nothing.
It just appears Miss King
does not share your concern.
I wanna get my money back!
Why can't I get my money?
- What are you doing here?
- The same thing you are.
Looking for the peopIe
who tried to kiII me.
Let me take you home. Now.
No. I want them to see I'm not frightened.
Miss King, how very nice to see you.
We have kept your father's chair free.
Nothing comes free from you, Zukovsky.
Your father had a credit Iine with us -
one miIIion US.
I'd be happy to extend you that courtesy.
So, what's it to be?
BIackjack, your father's favourite?