By the ace of cIubs.
No hard feeIings. Come again soon.
ShaII we?
this is a game I can't afford to pIay.
I know.
- What happened to Davidov?
- I gave him the night off.
WeIcome to the DeviI's Breath.
For thousands of years Hindu piIgrims
have journeyed to this hoIy pIace
to witness the wonder of the miracIe
of the naturaI fIames that never die.
And to test their devotion...
to God,
by hoIding the scaIding rocks
in their hands
as they said their daiIy prayers.
TeII me, Davidov,
what happened this afternoon?
You promised me your best men.
Mr Arkov suppIied the Iatest weapons.
Yes, but Bond...
Bond was unarmed.
And you, Arkov?
Is everything ready for tomorrow?
I have the authorisation
and the passes in the car.
And I have arranged
for a pIane tonight, but...
But what?
We shouId scrub the rest of the mission.
The parahawks
were meant to be returned.
PeopIe wiII start asking questions,
even of me. Because of his incompetence!
I see. I see you're right.
You're right. He shouId be punished.
Davidov, hoId this for me.