Leave it! Leave it!
Come on. Let's go.
Expecting Davidov?
He caught a buIIet... instead of the pIane.
Get off!
Keep your mouth shut!
You can't kiII me. I'm aIready dead.
- Not dead enough for me.
- You couId show a IittIe gratitude.
I did spare your Iife at the banker's office.
That's right.
I couIdn't kiII you.
You were working for me.
You deIivered the money, kiIIed King,
and now you brought me the pIane.
What's your pIan for the bomb?
You first.
Or couId it be you don't have a pIan?
That bomb wiII never Ieave this room.
Neither wiII you!
How sad, to be threatened by a man
who can't grasp what he's invoIved in.
Revenge is not hard to fathom
for a man who beIieves in nothing.
What do you beIieve in?
Preservation of capitaI?
Go ahead, shoot me.