After all these years
still can't stand this heat.
You just have to not think about it.
Throw up a bag of nut for me!
l'm waiting for the d that corner of ours. . . .
. . .is replaceed by a hotel.
lt's so crowded, we just hve to live with it.
l hope when l'm their age
l'm still not waiting around to give rides.
Tell me something.
You ever notice the American over there?
Just him and his cigarettes. . .
He's been there for weeks.
Someone in the hotel told me.
He sits there smoking all day.
He just stares at that restaurant. . .
. . .across from him.
Bet you didn't know that.
that used to be a G. l .A. Bar.
l got stuck driving him aroundtown
last week. We went around. . .
. . .looking fo a your woman in a photo.
l personally think he's nuts.
Let's go back to our corner
and join the guys.