No, Titus, no!
The emperor needs her not!
Nor her, nor thee,
nor any of thy stock!
I'll trust, by leisure,
him that mocks me once.
Thee never!
Nor thy traitorous, haughty sons,
confederates all,
thus to dishonor me.
But go thy ways. Go!
A valiant son-in-law shalt thou enjoy,
one fit to bandy with
thy lawless sons!
And therefore, lovely Tamora,
Queen of Goths,
if thou be pleased with this
my sudden choice,
I choose thee, Tamora, for my bride
and will create thee
empress of Rome.
Speak, Queen of Goths.
Dost thou applaud my choice?
If Saturnine advance
the queen of Goths,
she will a handmaid be
to his desires,
a loving nurse,
a mother to his youth.
Ascend, fair Queen,
to the Pantheon.
Lords, accompany
your noble emperor
and his lovely bride.
There shall we consummate
our spousal rites.
Titus, when wert thou
wont to walk alone,
dishonored thus
and challenged of wrongs?