
Speechless complainer,
I will learn thy thought.

Thou shalt not sigh
nor hold thy stumps to heaven

nor wink, nor nod,
nor kneel, nor make a sign,

but I of these will wrest an alphabet
and by still practice
learn to know thy meaning.

What dost thou strike at,
Lucius, with thy knife?

At that that I have killed,
my lord, a fly.

Out on thee, murderer!
Kill'st my heart!

A deed of death
done on the innocent

becomes not Titus' grandson.
Get thee gone.
I see thou art not
for my company.

Alas, my lord,
I have but killed a fly.

How, if that fly had
a father and mother?

How would they hang
their slender, gilded wings

and buzz lamenting doings in the air!
Poor, harmless fly,
that with his pretty, buzzing melody
came here to make us merry.
And thou hast killed him.
Pardon me, sir.
It was a black, ill-favored fly,
like to the empress' Moor.
Therefore I killed him.
Ha ha ha ha!
Pardon me for reprehending thee,
for thou hast done
a charitable deed.

Give me thy knife.
I will insult on him,
flattering myself
as if it were the Moor

come hither purposely
to poison me.

There's for thyself,
and that's for Tamora!

Ah, sirrah!
As yet, I think,
we are not brought so low

but that between us
we can kill a fly

that comes in likeness
of a coal-black Moor.
