Where to?
- To the town.
Thank you...
Lousy night.
It's always Iike that
in this season.
I've never seen showers
Iike this one.
I can't wait to get home.
- You won't make it tonight.
The road is flooded. It's closed.
No shit?
- No shit.
HaIf the canyon is in fIood.
AII's in flood.
Just my fucking Iuck!
I'm dead tired!
There's a motel, ''The WheeI'',
five miIes down the road.
I've never been there but I've
heard of it.
It's a great place! It's super!
Still... It's a good motel.
I don't think it's open season
for hunting or fishing.
It isn't. But a man has to earn
his daily bread.
So, what fishes bite?
- AII sorts...