Take it easy.
Nobody asked you anything.
PIease, caII the police!
CaII the cops!
So, what do you say?
ShaII we caII the cops?
The telephone Iines are dead.
- You have a ceIIular phone.
Or, one of us could get in the
car and go to Iook for them.
I can't make a call because
of the mountains around here.
And I wouIdn't Iike to have
the poIice invoIved.
My car trunk
is fuII of medicines...
These are expensive
and perishable goods.
My car twunk is also fuII of
goods. And you know our cops...
Sure I do. I had to bribe them
to let me come here.
I also had to grease
the hands of the law.
And I expect an impowtant
meeting here...
What do you say?
I have a job in a very
respectable company.
If the boss finds out
I messed with the Iaw...
What about the two of you?
-My wife and I are honest peopIe
and we'd hate to have
anything to do with the cops.
Why the heII did you bother
us with your ''iIIegal'' cwap?
It was my duty to bring some
facts to your attention.
What do you say?
ShaII we caII the cops?
If you don't need them,
I don't need them either.
It's a deal, then!
We need some papers and
penciIs for the secwet vote.
I have a notebook and scissors.
- Gweat!
Let's move him to the john
until we finish the job...
Just do it quickIy...
You pick gwapes
whiIe they're sweet...
Just feeI you're at home.
A kiIIer! And we carry
him Iike a king !
He doesn't give a damn
for our toiI.
Can we leave him alone here?
I'll be right back
to watch over him.