That's aII. - Jesus! More
firepower than the NATO!
I don't use that Amewican shit.
These guns are home-made for
the fight against imperiaIism.
I have pIenty of them
because I deal in arms.
Here's my card...
''VIadimiw Kowenko,
weapons wholesaIe.''
Is your car trunk Ioaded too,
Kowenko! - That's what I said:
Kowenko like... woad.
- That's what I said.
Not Ioad; woad!
- Rubbish!
Woad ! Like yeIIow bwick woad !
- Shut up!
Now you!
It's for your protection.
I must keep order here.
I carry this as a businessman.
You! - Leave her alone.
- Shut up, businessman!
A souvenir from
a nice gentIeman.