
Step back! I don't want
to hurt somebody.

''Once I was noisy and shrill,
Once I was as sharp as a quill''

''And now I am peacefuI and still.''
What was that?
A Greek epitaph. ThessaIoniki,
3rd century BC.

Mrs. Magoo is done.
- What do you mean?!

As dead as a corpse.
When somebody kiIIs you,
you're usuaIIy dead.

Are you sure?
- She looks pretty stiff to me.

Do something ! HeIp her!
We can't heIp her now.
- A priest is aII she needs.

You kiIIed the woman.
- It was an accident.

If I knew I'd kiII somebody,
I'd aim at a man.

I am not a killer!
This is aII your fault.

I asked you to untie me!
I'm going to caII the cops.
They'll clear up everything.

The cops will clear it up.
Just my fucking Iuck!
Where are the keys?
My car keys. Who took them?

Someone took my car keys.
You have to give them back.
