He was deaIing in
faIse medications.
People were
dying like flies.
Four famiIies gathered some
dough and went to my boss.
He sent me to waste him.
I was working on him
when you turned up.
Do you know whose
that void paper was
when they tied you and put
you on triaI?
Yes... So, you finaIIy got it!
I knew I couId use you.
You should be
proud of yourself.
You shouldn't be afraid,
I sure won't caII the cops.
But you have to be carefuI.
You're a pro now, buddy.
Where do you think
you're going?
I didn't kiII anybody.
Then, I'II have to.
''We had some love,
We had some hate.''
''Together we are now
that we are Iate.''
Cyrena, 230 BC.
Cut the buIIshit!
- AII right.
Latest news:
A breakthrough's been made in
the search for the serial killer
The police now have
a description of the suspect.