They always change the title.
"All About Eve" should be
"Todo Sobre Eva."
But that sounds odd.
What are you writing?
Future Pulitzer winners.
Eat up. You have to put on
a few pounds.
Someday you may have
to work the street to keep me.
You don't need pounds for that.
You need a big dick.
Where did you learn
to talk like that?
- You asked.
- I was joking.
- And you?
- What about me?
Would you prostitute yourself
for me?
I've already done
just about everything for you.
Eat up!
Autograph fiends!
They're not people.
They're little beasts
that run in packs like coyotes.
They're your fans.
They're nobody's fans.
They're juvenile delinquents,
mental defectives.
Fans, indeed!
They never see a play or a movie.
They're never indoors long enough.
Well, there's one indoors
right now...
I brought her back to see you.
Come in, Eve.
I thought you'd forgotten
about me.
Not at all.
this is Eve Harrington.
- How do you do, my dear?
- Hello.
Would you like to be
an actress?
It was hard enough
becoming a nurse.
If you were an actress,
I'd write parts for you.
I was in an amateur group
when I was young.
I wasn't bad.
I must have a picture
I'd love to see it.
I'll look for it later.
Look, Esteban.
I found a picture.