I played Stella.
Your father was Kowalski.
Someday you'll have to tell me
all about my father.
All I know is
he died before I was born.
- It isn't an easy story to tell.
- I guess not.
Or you'd have told me by now.
I nearly asked for that
as a birthday present.
I'm not sure
it would be a nice present.
You're wrong.
It would be the best one.
Then I'll tell you everything
when we get home.
Working in theater
is worse than being a nun!
You think not being able to get stoned
all day is being a nun!
Yeah, I do!
Alfonso XII Street, number 30.
Come on, forget about it!
My son!
Tomorrow I turn 17,
but I look older.
Boys who live alone with their mothers
have a special look...