What is it?
l need your help
in getting tickets of the next concert.
Again? No way!
Bigger production in this time!
Not good if occupancy is low.
The ticket cannot be sold out.
lf you want a full house,
just give out complimentary tickets.
No kidding.
The future of the band
doesn't look bright.
lf it keeps on like this,
l am afraid we have to split.
What would you do then?
What l would do... l would find a job.
Find a job?
l think l would be a chef.
A chef?
lsn't it nice?
lf it isn't nice...
what are you going to do?
ln the future.
l haven't thought about it.
Aren't you going to be a photographer?
That's not possible. Right?
l haven't thought of being one.