
But I want a chance for my music
to act in its own proper sphere.

It does. It always has and it always will.
It must be allowed to intensify the
emotional depth not only of your words...

...but of the situation, which can
be humorous, dramatic... What you will.

Of course. It goes without saying.
You teach me the ABC of my profession.
Now. Would you care for me
to read this to you or not?

- Where is it set?
- In the Sicilian mountains.

Plenty of scope there for Gypsy music,
one might suggest.

Now, the local alchemist
is killed in an explosion...

...and there, amongst his effects,
a chorus of villagers discover a potion.

- Magic, no doubt.
- Indeed.

I thought as much.
The effect of this magic potion is
to transform the character who takes it...

...into whatever he or she
is pretending to be.

- You and your world of Topsy-Turvydom!
In 1881, it was a magic coin.
And before that, it was a magic lozenge.
And in 1877, it was an elixir.
In this instance, it is a magic potion.
"Act One. Scene:
...a mountain inn
on a picturesque Sicilian pass."

"A range of mountains
with Etna in the distance."

- I've made you some beef tea, Mr Gilbert.
- Take it away.

You've not had anything
since yesterday afternoon, sir.

- Take it away.
- You can't work on an empty stomach.

Can't work at all, Mrs Judd,
if I'm being constantly pestered...

:37:45 interfering women with hot beef tea,
cold compresses, mustard poultices...

...and excessive attacks
of philanthropic zeal.

- How's my wounded soldier?
- He's not doing as he's told, madam.

Oh, isn't he now?
Willie, are you intending
to visit the dentist tomorrow?
