Say that again.
If the boot fits.
Okay, cowboy.
How do ya like that?
Take it back! Take it back!
Don't think just 'cause you're a girl
I'm gonna take it easy on ya.
Jessie, Woody!
You stop this at once!
I don't know
how that television turned on...
but fighting about it
isn't helping anything.
- If I had both my arms...
- Well, the fact is, you don't, Woody.
So I suggest you just
wait until morning.
- The cleaner will come, fix your arm...
- And then I'm outta here.
Oh, no, no. Bullseye. Don't take it
that way. It's just that Andy...
Andy, Andy, Andy.
That's all he ever talks about.
Hey, Buzz, can we slow down?
May I remind you that some of us
are carrying over six dollars in change.
Losing health units.
Must rest.
- Is everyone present and accounted for?
- Not quite everyone.
- Who's behind?
- Mine.
Hey, guys.
Why did the toys cross the road?
- Not now, Hamm.
- Oh, I love riddles. Why?
To get to the chicken
on the other side.
- Yippee!
- The chicken!
- Oh, well, we tried.
- We'll have to cross.
What the... You're not turning me
into a mashed potato.
I may not be a smart dog,
but I know what roadkill is.
There must be a safe way.
Okay, here's our chance.
Ready, set, go!