Now you're here
We meet stage center
l thought my story line
was through
From the blue
You were great.
l really liked it.
But, do you think this is how
the maid would really behave?
Well, this isn't reality.
l mean, we're talking about
a maid who belts E-flats here.
l mean, you don't have people
walking down the street...
bursting into song
and dancing, right?
Except maybe
in the West Village.
Ha ha, just kidding.
Anyway, Gabriel,
you made your point...
but it's still important
that the writer tell the truth.
l mean, ''Enter you''?
l don't know.
l mean, she's just been kissed.
Have you captured
that feeling you get...
after a really great kiss--
the best kiss you ever had?
lt's exciting,
and it's terrifying...
and it's sexy and...
and maybe you think
you could fall in love.
You know what l mean?
Well, you know,
Rodrigo and Dorkus just met.
l mean, if we were talking about
how people really behave...
l can't have them falling
in love on the first night.
That wouldn't be believable.