Oh, this is so fun.
l tell ya, if Harold Prince
heard this...
l've heard that
all the world's a stage
And we are only players
Acting out
some predetermined page
But it is lonely as can be
With nobody opposite me
Enter you
Voila, it's showtime
God, l'm sorry, but that dog...
You sing.
No, l sing his songs.
You were singing with her.
-l was?
-Yeah. Sing it.
Well, Katherine usually--
l'll sing along with you.
Let him do it alone.
l heard that
all the world's a st--
No. Just where she left off.
Enter you
Voila, it's showtime
You brought the house down
With a dance and a dum-diddy
Enter you
ln less than no time
l, uh, still have
to figure out this part.
Up went the curtain
l've got it.
How's it going?
l was feeling, you know,
a little torchy...
a little chanteusey, so l
stumbled into a piano bar...
and thought l'd belt out
some of my better numbers...
for a bunch of boozy
old fairies.