True Crime

...he'll eat your heart
and throw you to the dogs.

You won't have to bone his wife, pal.
He'll fire you for free.

You don't have to thank me.
I don't know whose ass you're trying
to save, Beechum's or yours.

But if your nose for a story is gone,
my friend, you are gone too.

Because I won't run this paper...
:57:25 salvage what's left
of your smarmy existence.

So you stand there and you look me in
the eye and you tell me, man-to-man:

Was she pretty good?
- Seriously.
- Fuck you.

Lucky bastard!
Go get them, tiger.
I don't know what to say to you.
Been trying to figure out...
...what it was I wanted to say
to you, and I don't...

I'm sorry, Bob.
I really am sorry.
I don't think you are.
I don't think you're
capable of feeling sorry.

You're not capable of feeling
anything for other people.

Maybe you're right.
Maybe you're right, Bob.
How'd you find out?
She told me.
