True Crime

Yeah, it's a human-interest piece.
I feel isolated.
I feel fear.
Fear of pain.
Fear of prison.
Fear of being separated
from my loved ones.

All those fears rolled up into one.
Never having a chance to see
my daughter draw pictures like this.

She says it's Green Pastures.
I want to tell everyone that...
...I believe in Jesus Christ,
our Lord and Savior.

I believe I'm going to a better place.
And there's a better place,
better justice there.

I came into my faith...
...late in life.
Did a lot of bad things
when I was younger. You know?

...I believe the crookeds will
be made straight.

That's what the Bible says.
I believe that.

So that's how I feel about it.
Is that all right, Mr. Everett?
You got nine more minutes.
I mean, is there any more
that you want?

Mr. Beechum, you don't know me.
I'm just a guy out there
with a screw loose.

Frankly, I don't give a rat's ass
about Jesus Christ...
