Because after today, I'm gonna haunt
the shit out of you.
I'm gonna haunt your ass all over
this goddamn town.
I am not Wally.
I'm a lot bigger than Wally.
Threaten me and I'll have
pieces of you in the gutter...
...and I'll blow the rest away.
One more thing, barfly.
You ought to know this before your
latest lost cause confesses.
Did you know Beechum volunteered
for a lie detector test?
And he flunked it bigtime.
Sure, it's inadmissible.
It wasn't
in the transcripts...
...but it certainly captured
our attention.
So why don't you just go pour yourself
a tall one and think about that?
You want a nip?
No, thanks. I'd better not.
Sorry, I forgot.
What's with Bob? He's been
giving you the evil eye all day.
Know something?
It's starting to work.
Did something happen at the
prison? Some big uproar?
Why would a guilty man volunteer
for a lie detector test?
Happens all the time.
Perp thinks he can slide one by.
Of course, innocent men
flunk them sometimes too.
Does Bob want you to take one?
That's a cute idea.
I don't think
my guilt's in any doubt.
Where's Bridget?
I want her to do some scutwork.
Women feel much more secure
in the workplace now.
She left. But I'll get
your coffee if you give me head.
Better yet, track down an
investigator in the Beechum case.