Alan, I gotta be clear
on this, okay?
This is causing problems for everybody.
I love the paper
but I'm ready to go.
I can't work like this.
This environment's become intolerable.
"Intolerable environment"?
Are you a feminist?
Are you a cooze?
What's wrong with you?
You gotta give me notice.
My contract says if you dump me,
you gotta give me notice.
How much notice do you want?
Six hours and seven minutes.
Testing red. Testing red.
Testing tan. Testing tan.
Testing white. Testing white.
Testing black.
We're in San Quentin's
gas chamber...
... now converted
for lethal injection.
The first syringe delivers five grams
of sodium Pentothal...
... and that will put him to sleep
within a few seconds.
Then the injection line is flushed
with 20 cc's of saline solution...
... and then he'll be given 50 cc's
of pancuronium bromide.
Now that is a muscle paralyzer,
and at that point...
... he won't be able to breathe.
And finally, 50 cc's
of potassium chloride.
And that'll stop his heart.