If I can see your face...
I'll talk to you every day.
- Lf I can see you at the end.
- Come with me!
You going to be talking to me?
If I could see your face!
How did this ever happen to us?
The only thing in my life...
...that made it worth anything.
God bless you for that.
God bless you for that.
Who's there?
I'm Steve Everett. I'm a reporter
for the Tribune.
Go home!
And quit casing that man's car.
It's almost your dinnertime.
Go home!
- Sorry about them kids.
- That's all right.
I'm just glad to find you here.
What, you thought I moved
to the suburbs?
Come on in.
And you are...?
Angela Russel.
And Warren?
My grandson.
Is this Warren here?
It is.
Want to tell me why you're here?
Mrs. Russel, it's important
that I talk to Warren.
It's important I talk to him tonight.
It is? And what could be so important,
if you don't mind my asking?
There's a man on death row, and
they're gonna execute him tonight.
They say he killed
a store clerk...