There are two executioners.
Each one has a button.
Each button is connected
to a computer...
...that scrambles the circuits
so no one knows who does it.
Brother Beechum, let me
tell you of the Lord.
He is my refuge
and He is my fortress.
He is my God.
And therefore, even in the darkest
moments, even when there is no hope...
...He will deliver you from the snare...
...of the fowler.
Step in there.
That Robinson man on TV, I saw him.
And I started remembering that night
Warren gave me that locket.
Her maiden name! And I started
remembering Warren's face.
I can always read that boy's face.
He did a terrible thing, Mr. Everett.
He wasn't a bad boy, but I know
he did a terrible thing!
They're gonna kill that man
in less than a half-hour.
We can't get to the prison
in that time.
You're right, lady.
Fasten your seat belt.
Reverend, it's time.