True Crime

:53:00'd be interested
in putting me up.

First, you have a big book contract.
Money's already spent.
Second, everybody says you'll
win the Pulitzer Prize or something.

I think everyone's being
a little optimistic.

And third of all, I have a boyfriend.
Well, that's good!
Maybe he's out of town
for the holidays.

Cash or charge, Ev?
I better charge it.
I'm charging everything else
these days.

Give me some charity, baby.
It's for the kids.

It's official!
I need some charity on toast!
Come over here, help me out.

I know you got some charity.
You famous! Rich and famous.
I know you got charity on toast.
Give me some charity.

It's for the kids.
That's right, come on.
Give me 20, give me 100.
Come on, Steve.

Take it before my wife does,
and get out of here.

A 10?
Steve, you got more than that.
Come on, now. It's for the kids.

All right. All right, newspaperman.
I been here two hours
freezing my ass off.

I'm going home.
You haven't got a home.
I got no wife
and no elves, either.

You want to be Santa Claus these
days, you on your own.

You're right there, pal.
Santa Claus rides alone.
It's for the kids!
Come on!
Come on, Daddy.
