- Heard of a designer called VEX?
- VEX?
- "Vincento Exclusivo"!
- Who the fuck is that?
He was an Italian butcher, man. Kind
of went beyond animals, understand?
Vincento's dead. Before burying him,
they pulled out his gold teeth...
and turned that gold
into a fucking label.
There's 3 people in the universe with
these because there was only 3 teeth.
Believe, I'll be wearing that tooth.
They want to put me in the V&A Sta.
What a fucking tosser!
Get up, man.
- Get up, man!
- Why?
I'm uncomfortable here.
Please, just get up.
Little punks.
What the fuck...?
I don't need these idiots
around me. Not today.
Tell you what: There's no
fucking around today, mate.