I ain't gonna miss a single hit.
- Who said I hated her?
- You cannot love without hate.
- She's just a friend, man.
- Right. What are you doing?
No slip-ups, no mercy.
I can feel it in my veins.
- Hey, Mazaar! You fucking bastard!
- Shut your mouth, man.
Bulla, got De Niro's autograph?
You told my girlfriend you'd get it.
What 's the matter, Roy?
You feel ready to take on
my all-time record, huh?
- You watch me.
- Bulla, I'm talking to you, man.
Hey, Bulla, I'm going to fuck
someone up today, you know?
Yo, Stevie, what stop?
- Soon, man.
- What?
- Soon.
- Soon what?
- Alright, just keep it together.
- Soon Junction.
Right, next stopeither
they move or I move.
Last weekend, I gave Ryan a green
light and I said: "Listen, Ryan...
call me in 7 days. If you don't,
that light is gonna change color."
This is him: "Is it gonna change to
amber? I said "Don't even go there!
Amber is for unsure people. I'm
talking from green to red. Stop...
or you'll pay the penalty." Anyway,
7th day came I was at the telephone.
Did he call? No. So I dialed up his
number to find a dead fucking tone!
I know the bill's been paid cause
I paid it! What are you looking at?
Let 's get out of here, man.
Fool! Listen, Jackie, if I'm lying,
I'm flying. These are the facts.
- Jesus, I can't believe this.
- I know someone who works for BT.
If I want to track him down, trust
me, that 's what I'm going to do...
Fuck this. I ain't taking no chances.
Next stop let's get out of here.