[Man Narrating]
Among other things, many other things...
my old professor loved to eat.
There he is!
What do you say?
**Sleep, baby, sleep **
[Narrating Continues]
He especially liked tongue.
I'd say, "Morrie, that's disgusting. "
He'd say, "I'm sorry you think so.
I also like cole slaw.
Can you handle cole slaw, Mitch?"
****[Continues, Indistinct]
- Excuse me.
- Near the top of the list
of things he loved was dancing.
- [Man Yelling]
- He had his own way of dancing.
He'd do the lindy
toJimi Hendrix.
He'djitterbug to...
name a band... Nine Inch Nails.
- Pardon me. Here you go, boy.
- What you got, Professor?
Hey, just put it on.
You're gonna love it.
**I can't top the letter "M"
You're not a... ****
[Music Changes,
Crowd Murmuring]
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
[Crowd Murmuring,
[Mitch Narrating]
One ofhis favorites was the tango.
His own version, of course.
Wherever it came from...
- Come on, join in!
- it wasn't Argentina.
Moments like that...
he could live in forever.
In the summer of 1994,
he began to notice a few things:
- Professor.
- shortness ofbreath...
legs giving him
a little trouble.
But what do you expect at 77?
[Engine Starts]