Tuesdays with Morrie

Morrie does not have
long to live.

I'm on the last great journey here,
one we all gotta take.

Maybe I can teach people
what to pack for the trip.

- [Click, Dial Tone]
- Janine? Hello?

Or maybe my dying
can be of value...

something we can all learn from,
like a... a human textbook.

I've been a teacher all my life.
You think I'm gonna quit now?

[Morrie Laughing]
[Woman On Phone] Detroit Free Press.
How may I direct your call?

[Woman #2 On Phone] Thank you
for calling the Detroit Free Press.

I'm just getting to work.
Let me call you back, okay?
Very good. How are you?

- Mitch, tomorrow's page.
- Oh, excellent.

- Congratulations.
- On what? The column? It was all right.

A little rushed. Oh, it's official, huh?
Baseball strike is over.

Yeah, which means I need you
in Florida for spring training.

You thought it was rushed?
It read terrific.

- I mean congratulations
on your sweet little TV deal.
- Thank you.

- Walter, local TV, one show a week.
- Books and the radio show...

- Take 20 words out.
- My column comes first, Walter.

- How many hours you got in your day?
- What difference does it make?

- You're spreading yourself
a little thin.
- As long as I deliver.

You think you can find time
to write a piece for the strike
ending tomorrow?

- [Answering Machine]
Hi, this is Janine.
- It's a personal call.

- Say hello toJanine for me.
- Please leave a message.
[Machine Beeps]

Hello. Hello, it's me.
Will you pick up, please?

[Sighs] Janine? Janine, you have
to talk to me sometime.

Will you pick up
the phone, please?

All right. Um...

I'll, uh...
I'll come by work, I guess.

I love you.
****[Women Harmonizing]
Great column today, man. So,
we finally got baseball back, or what?

I think the fans
should go on strike.

- [Men Laughing]
- What's up, you guys?

Oh, hold it for a second.
Something's not right here.

Take a break for a second, ladies.
Mitch, make yourself useful.
Give me an F-sharp.
