Tuesdays with Morrie

How you doin', Morrie?
You ready for a good beatin'?

- Hey.
- Hi.

Hi there.
You ready for a beatin'?

****[Tape: Woman Singing Opera]
- You oughta get a zipper.
- [Connie] I know.

If I ever learn how to sew.
****[Opera Continues]
- Oh, hey, Mrs. Schwartz.
- Oh, please.

Call me Charlotte, Mitch.
Did he ever stop talking?

[Chuckles] No. I was afraid
I was gonna tire him out.

Oh, he never gets tired
if he's got friends to talk to.

I'm so glad you came back.
You were one of his favorites.

- You going back to work?
- Just for a couple of hours.

I hope you'll come again.

[Morrie] Charlotte, wasn't that
a great funeral today, huh?

- What a turnout.!
- [Laughing]

How does he do it? How does he
stay so cheerful all the time?

Well, sometimes the nights are
difficult for him. They really are.

- [Morrie] Charlotte.
- Coming, dear.

****[Opera Continues]
Every time Aldo works me over...

I feel like he's given me
an extra couple of days.

You like massage?

- Uh, not really, no.
- No?

Oh, boy, I revel in it.
You know what's funny? Some people
just don't like to be touched.

I always found that
rather odd.

When we're babies,
we live to be touched...

to be held,
cuddled by your mother...

We never seem
to get enough of that.
