some hummus.
- Ahhh.
- I got pita bread, nice and warm.
- Yeah, good.
- I got apple cobbler.
And I got... I got that.
Huh. Tongue!
- Ugh.
- You remembered.
Oh, you don't forget somebody
eating tongue. No, no.
It's like repressed memory. It actually
attacks me in the middle of the night.
- What is that?
- Well, if you're gonna keep giving me...
this meaning of life stuff,
I want to remember it.
- I'd like your voice.
- When I'm dead?
- No, don't say that.
- Mitch, I'm dying.
- It's been established.
- Yeah, yeah.
That's a pretty big machine, huh.
Must've cost you a fortune.
You know what? This is a stupid
intrusion. I'm gonna put it away.
Hey, you still don't understand.
I want you to remember...
and I want people
to know my story.
That's a very nice machine.
Now, put it back. Go on.
- Okay.
- All right.
Now do you want to hear
a real tragedy?
I can't eat tongue anymore.
But I'm gonna save it.
Maybe I should have it mounted
and hang it in my study, huh?
Okay. So I made a list
of subjects for you to talk about.
All the heavy stuff... death,
love, marriage, family.
Oh, all of the stuff
that you're scared of. Huh.
- Things I want to hear you talk about.
- And you're scared of.
Why be ashamed? Everybody's
afraid of those things.
Add fear to the list.
You don't seem to be scared.
I told you, I have
my early morning moments.
Did you ever know anybody
who was dying?
Yeah, I had an uncle.
Mike. He was young.
He was more
of a brother, really.
Testing, testing.
[Clears Throat]