Tuesdays with Morrie

[Morrie On Tape]
We think we don't deserve love.

That if we let it come in,
we'll become soft.

[Mitch] He had answers
for all the big, important things.

- [Morrie Continues On Tape]
- Why not me?

Love is the only rational act.
Said it right.
Love is the only rational act.

Let it come in.
- [Tape Recorder Clicks Off]
- [Sighs]

Okay, I'll be right down.
Thanks, Lloyd. I'll just
be a couple of minutes.

[Mitch] I hate sports metaphors.
I never use 'em.

But this was a real Hail Mary.
A last-second desperation play.

I wrote a letter toJanine.
Everything I'd never said to her.

Including the part
where I begged her to marry me.

****[Mitch Playing Jazz On Piano]
My Hail Mary hadn't worked.
As Tuesday neared, I had plenty of time
to think what a stupid idea it was.

[Phone Ringing]
[Answering Machine Clicking]
- [Beeps]
- Mitch. Walter. Call me, please.

I've got a temper, so do you.
It goes with the job. Just...

I'm tryin' to tell you that I'm...
I asked for an "aisle. "
You're gonna find me an "aisle. "

- Is that too much to ask?
- What the hell happened
to the air conditioning?

It's not the airline's fault, sir.
Just wait your turn.
