- How much did you get?
- l don't know. How about you?
l got some warheads.
Hey, wait up.
They're in my section.
They're two twins, and they're
the best costume l've ever seen.
l've worked here for 20 years,
and l've never seen anything like this.
lt is so real.
Now, you gotta go and check them out.
They're dressed like Siamese twins.
l-- They've really got it down.
- Which table?
- Two.
Blake and Francis.
- What are you guys doing?
- Trick or treating.
- Main Street.
- Near Second.
That's cool.
Have a seat and some candy.
Nobody knows.
Except that woman over there.
She keeps staring at us.
Did your mother have to put up with
shit like that when you were kids?
- We don't have a mother.
- You have a mother.
Well, what he's trying to say is
we don't have a human mother.
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
What do you mean?
Then how were you born?
Promise you won't flip out?
- l promise.
- Okay.
Right before we were born--
We grew too big
for our mother's stomach.
So they put us inside a cow.
A cow? No way!