Une liaison pornographique

On my knees, hand on my heart?
No, but you know, telling someone, a woman for instance,
that you love her and want to live with her.
Ever done that?
Not for a long time now.
Since when?
Ages ago.
At least I think so. I can't remember. I still had acne.
Why not since?
I don't know. It didn't seem a good way to pick women up.
Declaring your love isn't picking a woman up.
You simply declare your love.
Sometimes you don't want to seduce someone.
Sometimes you're so much in love all you can do
is declare your love.
Have you never felt that?
A feeling so strong you have no choice,
you have to declare your love...
Maybe. But I've never dared to do it.
- I was afraid.
- What of?

I love you.
I love you like I've never loved anyone before.
The feeling is so strong that it has to be true. You see?
I want to marry you, grow old, wear dentures with you...
Two sets of dentures, one each...
I know even that's false.
I know that if I thought calmly, I'd see it's false.
But, right now, I can't think calmly, not even for a second.
I love you, that's all.
Are you crying?
You are, you're crying.
