Varsity Blues

Your dummies can't run a simple draw,
and you got secret formations ?

- This ain't no fucking sandlot.
- It's called an Oop-dee-oop.

Overload the defense on one side,
burn them one-on-one on the other.

You got a bad attitude
and you don't listen !

We do things around here my way !
You think you're in some fancy school ?

I wonder if you know the difference
between a sneeze and a wet fart !

- You'll be second-string all your life !
- Kilmer loves to bang on your boy.

- Been on him all season.
- Oop-dee-oop, give me a break !

I stood up to it, so will he.
We're holding our Troy back a year,
so he'll be bigger for frosh tryouts.

- Eighth grade ain't so bad, is it ?
- Our Kyle's dying to be a Coyote.

Had that ankle injury, but he's ready
to go now. Ain't that right, son ?

Kyle ?
Kyle !
He's very spiritual.
It's a shame nobody had the mind
to hold us back when we was kids.

Hell, I didn't fare so bad.
Lance ! Toss me one, son.
Let's show them your old pop's still
got it. Button hook right, on three !

- Slow enough he could've mailed it.
- Well, there you go, Sammy boy.
