Why be good ? I'm always good.
Where's my upside to being good ?
I'm 18, it's not like I'm married to her.
She invited me. I'm just being polite.
Right, Kyle ?
Kyle... ?
I only answer to one name :
The great El Ali Akbar Shabazz Da.
- That's a bunch of names.
- There's only one God. Praise Allah.
Yeah, but would Allah nail Darcy
if he had the chance ?
- I think he would.
- As-Salaam Alaikum.
- I gave up on you.
- Am I too late ?
Come in.
I'm glad you came. It's kind of weird
to have you in my house.
Yeah, I feel like
I'm doing something illegal.
Well, not yet.
Look at me, I'm a mess.
No one ever sees me like this.
I think this is the best
I've ever seen you look.
You're sweet, Mox,
but you know you are.
Nice house.
I was about to make
an ice cream sundae.
You want one ?
- Yeah, have one. I'll make it.
- All right.
- Do you want whipped cream ?
- Sure.