Virtual Sexuality

Sounds so terminal, doesn't it?
l've got to make a choice.
l've got to choose
a bloke to, you know, do it with.

But, like, how do l know which one?
lf only blokes had barcodes,
it would be so easy.

You'd look at a guy with your laser
eyes, scan his lines...

...and boing! Barcode
tells you everything.

Because how do you know
which is Mr. Right Bloke?

Big question.
Genderwise, being a girl
is the best. No contest.

The wardrobe
opportunities are endless.

Girls make you
laugh till your socks get wet!

I mean, blokes. What
are they all about?

Men are a mystery,
like real-life X-Files.

All that testosterone stuff.
They act like infants
most of the time.

Not like us. We're
totally more evolved.

Fran knows everything about men.
She's gonna do a Ph.D. in blokeology.

Two fruit bars, please.
Fran says there is
a Mr. Right, one guy who's it.

The one. It's predestined.
Like Videoplus numbers
in the TV Times.

You type in this
long number and boing!

Machine knows when to switch on.
It's like that with blokes.
Meet the right one and boing!

The jigsaw piece is found.
Suddenly, everything's yummy.
Dogs bark, bees buzz...

...and the world is
switched to permanent chill.

lf there's no point in doing it...
...unless it's with
Mr. Barcode Jigsaw Piece...

...then l run the risk
of never doing it.

l could be the world's first
1 04-year-old virgin.

You lose your virginity once, so
you want to do it right. Right?

You want to be able to look back...
...and think warm stuff
about the night you lost it.
