Chas Lovett. Sadder than
the sad people from sad city.
Mum, Jackie. Into
country and western.
l'm just delivering it.
Stepdad, Frank. Part-time
inventor and carnival-float designer.
-Won't have it under my roof.
-Keep it in the shed.
Masturbation during adolescence
l can understand, condone even.
You can damage a
boy talking like that.
Greatest fear of man: Your mother
knowing you enjoy the old Jodrell.
Not quite dork, not quite nerd.
Nerdish. Into computers. Bit sad.
Surfs the inter-thing
and listens to Morrissey.
Very sad. Does a paper round.
Too sad.
-Hi, Chas.
-Hi, Justine.
Sit down.
Take the weight off your wrigglers.
Here's what we want you to do.
The Virtual Reality Expo's not nerdy.
lt's something you'd get off on.
lt's all stuff you can do.
Simulated motor racing...
...aeroplane dogfighting,
virtual-reality kickboxing....
Stand over there. Don't want
these foxes to think we're together.
Simulated Tour de France,
windsurfing, clay pigeon shooting....
l think there's even a sex machine
being developed by a Swiss team.
A real sex machine?
Where you get inside,
they plug you in and...?
Yeah, l think so.
Well, get me a ticket.
-Lend us your bike.
-l can't.
l need it to get to college.
They've invented a sex machine.
Reckon it'll make men obsolete.
So if you want to grab some old-style
rumpo before it's out of fashion....
Dad, why does it keep doing this?!
lt's okay. Start again.
Remember the sequence?
l've got a way to remember.