Virtual Sexuality

We need a plan.
-Red spandex!
-No, not red.

-lt's got to be red.
-No way!

l have never known spandex
to fail. Spandex never fails.

He's a Sagittarius.
According to this, he likes
his women bright, engaging...

...vivacious, curvaceous and--
That's it!
What does that say to you?
She's immune to rejection.
With a bloke, when he gets
a whiff of rejection, then he's off.

But a girl, it's like
fuel on a barbecue.

A girl won't take
no for an answer.

She knows he's not
in touch with his feelings.

See, Justine thinks
she knows more about me than l do.

She doesn't even
know that she is me!

-Hoover's been asking after you.
-This is horrible!

Yeah, right.
Two of the highest-rated babes
in history fancy you.

Must be murder.
-What do you mean, "two babes"?
-Hoover and Justine.

Justine's a babe?
-l'm a babe?
-Where's the bloody linesman?!

White witchcraft can
only be used for good.

lf the man you seek
is meant for you...
