Only you would get a call
at 7:30 in the morning
from a historian
They have a house
I didn't even know about it
A house has been in my
family for hundreds of year
Somehow this guy
tracked me down
The town wants to tear down
the house
and they said I could go
through and take out
family things if I want
You are not actually going
there, are you?
Why don't you come with me?
It will be an adventure
So it is like what?
Totally empty?
And we do what there?
You keep me company
You know, support of friend?
I'll go
I mean we could have fun,
We could hang out
You got finals, Jerry
We all do
Yeah, and no offence
but you can study anywhere
Have sketch pad will travel
But we need the
comforts of home
You know, books, laptops,
take out pizza
Why do this, Kris?
A couple of years ago,
when my mom died
I found out I was adopted
They never told her
The problem was that no one
from my biological family
was left
No one to ask the
questions you need answered
Like why they gave you up
Iittle things like that
So, if this mean that I'm
going to find out something
Then I'm going to go even if
it means spending the night
in some empty old house
Just remember Dr.Zaius
"Planet of the Apes"
Charlton Heston rides off
into the sunset with the
chick in the fur bikini
Right before he finds the
Statue of Liberty
the head ape says...
You may not like
what you find