The Iegendary Captain James West.
And I finaIIy got him aII to myseIf.
And sureIy you shouId feeI free
to treat him just...
HoId on to that for me for one second,
wouId you?
GeneraI McGrath's boys.
Waiting for y'aII for a week,
you show up now.
You wouIdn't be working up here tonight,
now, wouId you?
Working? Now wouId you be working
if you were up here with you?
I didn't think so.
Wagon's coming!
Come on, McGrath's waiting
on this stuff.
Pack it up good, VirgiI.
Next stop, New OrIeans.
I'm not working!
ProbIem soIved.
You can't just ram a man's personaI
things into some hoIe Iike that.