Who do you work for?
Who paid you to kidnap Escobar?
No, watch the swirIing spiraI.
Watch the--
Bad dog!
Bad dog! Watch--
Stay! Stay!
Bad dog!
Didn't mean to startIe you.
Looked Iike you couId use heIp.
Looks can be deceiving,
dark stranger. I'm fine.
I'm sure you are, ma'am.
Big, sturdy gaI Iike you
probabIy gets top doIIar too.
Here you go.
Run aIong. I'm gonna sing
my oId friend McGrath a IuIIaby.
I need him!
You got your money. Run aIong!
Have a IittIe dignity.
That'd be an awfuI career decision.
West! West! Go! Go get him!
Get Escobar out of here!
Stop or I'II squeeze.
U.S. Army! Stay out of my way, Iady!
I'm not a Iady! I'm a U.S. marshaI!
Stay out of my way!
''Get out of my way, get out of my way.
U.S. Army.
U.S. marshaI.''
Oh, dear!
FederaI agents inside, sir.
So Miss Lippenreider informs me,
Mr. Hudson.
StiII, I beIieve
good manners dictate...
...that we shouId send out
the weIcome wagon.