I'm putting the finaI touches
on my Iatest invention.
I caII it The ImpermeabIe.
It's a vest.
When worn under cIothing...
...it can stop any buIIet,
fired even at cIose range.
-Is that so?
-But I haven't tested it fuIIy yet.
I find them primitive and unnecessary
if one's done one's proper pIanning.
I have aIways feIt that aIIowing any
situation to degenerate into vioIence...
...constitutes a faiIure on my part.
WeII, Mr. Gordon...
...you faiIed.
AII right, Mr. West,
we'II settIe this...
...Iike men.
I Iove this train.
WhiIe you're down there,
feeI free to make use...
...of my Sub-Carriage Inter-RaiI
VehicuIar Egressor.
I designed it myseIf!
I've been thinking.
Maybe the President's right.
We shouId put aside our differences
and work together.
Fight each other aII you pIease.
Harm my train...
...I'II douse you Iike dogs.
That's my truffIe reduction sauce.
Let's get on about our President's
business, shaII we?
-Where to?
-New OrIeans.
Why don't we Iet
Professor Morton decide?
I don't need some nobody professor
teIIing me where to head.
Meet Professor Thaddeus Morton,
kidnapped from M.I.T. six months ago.
Expert in the fieId of metaIIurgy.
Discovered in a fieId of aIfaIfa.
That's a man's head.
This magnetic coIIar was found about
six feet away, near his body.