PIease! Somebody heIp me out!
I said to meet me in the foyer.
I've never been much good with French.
Au contraire.
So Iet's see, Mr. West.
Are you a dangerous spy of some sort...
...or just a handsome cowboy...
...who Iikes to...
...poke around?
I beIieve I'm that second one.
East and West.
Never the twain shaII meet.
First, I'd Iike to reiterate
that you make one ugIy woman.
Second, whiIe you were out here,
I found out Dr. LoveIess...
...is meeting McGrath and his troops
in an hour.
You go right ahead, enjoy the party.
I'm gonna save the RepubIic.
By the way, boobies Iook great tonight.
Nice and perky!