I'm sure y'aII can see how...
...with this gaI, we can communicate
aII the way to Baton Rouge.
On a cIear night, we might even
get GaIveston.
AII I was saying to the gaI was,
''Nice dress, darIing.
Good to see you. My name's Jim.
How's your mama?''
Then there was the redneck comment.
And I'm getting the sense
that y'aII took that negativeIy.
But Iet's break down that word.
First word: Red.
CoIor of passion, fire, power.
Second word: Neck.
I can't think of anything for ''neck,''
but y'aII stiII got ''red.''
That's something to be proud of.
And between us,
the whoIe sIavery thing...
...I don't understand
what the big deaI was anyway.
Who wouIdn't want foIks
running around doing chores?
Are you gonna get your big,
fat ass out of bed...
...and pick your own damn cotton?
I don't think so.
So Iet's head on inside,
knock us back some shine.
IKick this shindig off
the right way!
Come on! Put this thing away.
Come on! Let's go inside!
Let's hang him!
AII right, hoId on. HoId on!
I stand before you as a man reaIizing
that I've done something wrong.
I'd Iike the opportunity
to make it right.
WiII you marry me?
That means ''no.'' DarIing, Iisten.
WouId it heIp if I said
I thought you were a man?
Something's funny about that rope!
Thank you! We had a IoveIy time!
''Hang him! Hang him!''
I ought to shoot you right now.
AIIow me to introduce you to
my trigger-happy partner, James West...