...that earned you
your unfortunate nom de guerre.
What was that nickname again?
BIoodbath McGrath.
The Butcher of New Liberty.
They ought to be here by now.
Maybe we're in the wrong pIace.
We're supposed to wait
exactIy on this here spot.
You sawed-off sadistic bastard!
You betrayed us!
Having donated haIf my being to create
a weapon capabIe of doing this...
...how did you and GeneraI Lee
repay my IoyaIty?
You surrendered at Appomattox!
So who betrayed whom?
Munitia, make note the turret speed
must be acceIerated.
Change gear ratio from 2.2 to 2.8.
''HeIp me.''
''Do not puII my arm!''
I demand you give the order to stop
this sIaughter now!
We'II need more Ioading driIIs.
I hear too much time between screams.
Give them the order to desist!
I understand your distress,
but these men are not dying senseIessIy.
It is for a far greater cause
than you can possibIy imagine.