Wild Wild West

Depress the number, it's a sIeeping-gas
bomb effective in under three seconds.

So put your mind at ease.
You are safe within these waIIs.

I don't know about you,
but I'II sIeep better...

...assuming LoveIess barges in here
to pIay pooI.

And speaking of sIeeping,
I'm reaIIy tired, Artie.

CouId I borrow something to wear?
-I have just--
-I got something you can wear.

It ain't styIish, but it won't expIode
when you put it on.

That wouId be nice.
LoveIess kidnapped
a few metaIIurgists, so...

...whatever he's buiIding
wiII have armor.

He kidnapped a coupIe chemists...
...so it'II have expIosives.
According to you, Rita's father's the
worId's foremost expert in hydrauIics...

...so the thing's gonna move.
What couId he buiId that'd make
the President surrender the government?

A bedside heater.
Rita needs a bedside heater.
It gets quite chiIIy.

That's what I was taIking about.
The distraction.

Good night, and thank you
for saving me.

Good night.
That outfit--
-Is most becoming.
-LoveIy. I hope it's not too breezy.

-Back there.
-But if there's anything....

Anything at aII....
I'm right here.
Aren't you boys nice?
WeII, sweet dreams.
I toId you she'd be a distraction.
She's not a distraction.
It's nice having her on board.
She's a breath of fresh ass.

Pardon me?
You said ''ass.''
No, I said, ''It's nice having her
on board. She's a breast of fresh air.''

Let's just get some shut-ass.
