-Uh...Mr. Taggart?
-Ten seconds to jump, sir.
So? So if you don't get that
computer back on-line, sir...
this unstable gravity well's
gonna suck us in...
one molecule at a time, sir!
COMPUTER: Navcom on-line.
Plot your course, Mr. Blair!
COMPUTER: Vector one entered
and confirmed.
Vector three
entered and confirmed.
[Marshall yelling]
What happened?
You just plotted a jump
through a gravity well...
in under ten seconds...
and Navcom can't do that.
That's not bad.
I mean, that's not bad...
for the second-best pilot
at the academy.
You shut up!
Next time you don't
follow my orders...
I'll dump you with the rest
of the garbage, you got that?
You plot a course
for the Tiger Claw, Mr. Blair.
BLAIR: Yes, sir.
Guy's got
a serious attitude problem.
This is Lieutenant Hunter
of the T.C.S. Tiger Claw.
Unidentified freighter
bearing two-niner-three...
state your course and business.
BLAIR: This is the Diligent
carrying supplies...
and two replacement pilots
for the Tiger Claw.
HUNTER: Stay on course.
Have your captain transmit
his security clearance.
Roger that, Lieutenant.
Taggart on his way.