Hey, how you doing?
MERLIN: Systems on-line.
Hello, I'm Merlin...
the latest in mobile
interface cockpit--
DEVEREAUX: Two Dralthis on
your tail--one above, one below.
You got five, maybe ten seconds.
Clock's ticking. What do you do?
I go vertical and inverted...
do a 180 at full throttle...
apply brakes...
and drop in behind 'em.
Bang, you're dead.
Not fast enough.
Dralthis are too quick,
particularly in a climb.
You've just taken a missile
up your tailpipe.
OK, let's reverse the situation.
You're locked on a Dralthi.
It goes evasive,
enters an asteroid belt.
If I'm locked on...
there's no such thing
as evasive action.
And you're dead again.
You see, it's an ambush.
Five or six fighters
hide behind rocks...
the size of your swollen head
and pounce.
A Kilrathi gang-bang.
What's the matter?
Did I bruise your ego?
No. I'm just, uh, not used
to getting combat tips...
from a grease monkey,
that's all.
Lieutenant Commander Deveraux...
your wing commander.
You have a name?
Uh, Lieutenant Blair, ma'am.
Well, Lieutenant Blair...
if you want to play
at being a fighter pilot...