Run at one hundred and twenty.
DEVEREAUX: Now, if Dibbles had
the flying skills of a woman...
he'd still be alive.
You gotta be kidding me.
DEVEREAUX: Don't take it
personally, Nugget.
It's a question of estrogen.
Women can out fly
and outshoot men.
It has been proven...
that we can keep track
of up to four enemy fighters.
No, it takes balls,
big balls...
not ovaries, to maintain
four enemy fighters...
and that's a fact, Jack.
All right, watch this.
Con. Con. This is Delta Two
requesting permission to land.
RADIO: Delta Two,
you're clear to land.
Delta Two, you're coming in
too hot. Abort. I repeat, abort.
Delta Two. Do you copy?
Delta Two, you are inverted!
MARSHALL: Hoo hoo! Not anymore.
MAN: Aaahhh!
Now, what were you saying?
RADIO: Delta One!
MARSHALL: What are you people
lookin' at?
Carry on about your business.
Nothin' to see here,
ladies and gentlemen.
Whoo! Oh, now,
that was a sweet three-sixty.
Actually, that was a five-forty.
Did you just do that
to impress me?
I'm just trying to redirect
some of that testosterone.
You're a total...
Todd "Maniac" Marshall
at your service...ma'am!
Ha ha ha ha!
Ohh, shit.